Sunday 25 September 2011


Why  is Date Of Birth most important

To begin with let us understand some basic rules :     
  suppose , Mr X is born on 3-7-1983
 his basic no. = 3                                                                 
 his destiny no= 3+7+1+9+8+3= 31=3+1=  4

Basic no is also called  Radical no
                                   Root no
                                   Psyche no

Destiny no is also called Luck no & is considered to be a more fortunate no.

It is the basic no that rules the most in the initial years of any person and with age the destiny no does. To understand the basic natures of any person it is the basic no which is looked upon while a lot of factors like destiny no, age, profession, running year, pinnacle year, name no , ruling no, sun signs in positive and negative aspect hold a lot of importance too.

When people fail to be successful in whatever streams of life no matter how hard they work simple remedies based on basic no & destiny no can do wonders to transform their lives. This can be done by altering name no , enhancing the use of certain nos , avoiding the enemy set of nos, wearing favourable colours for personal and professional purposes and so onn..

It is even more easy to get them done by me by mailing me at

So lets get set and start with the world of numbers

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