Sunday 1 January 2012

Basic Feng - Shui : yin & yang

                   The universe is in a constant flow of energy. Yin & Yang are d basic energies of the universe. They have to be always complementary of each other.

YIN represents :    MAA, Earth, moon, Winters, Night, Female, Soft, Silentll, Passive, Decaying
Yin colours :            green,blue, pastel colours
Yin emotions :         kindeness, sensitiveness, insecurity
Yin mind :                 imaginative, intutive , creative
Yin numbers :           all odd numbers

Yang represents : FAA, Heaven, Sun, Day & Male, Hard, Active, Flourishing
Yang colours  :       red, yellow, orange, bright colours
Yang emotions :     ambitious, confident, courageous
Yang mind :             logical, ordered, quick to think
Yang numbers :       all even numbers

Basically, yin-yang balance determines a powerful mind, body, soul, home & office. It is a scientific Chinese thinking process. The imbalances & fluctuations of the two are considered to be disease causing & making us prone to several sickness. Any of the body chakras malfunctioning is related to the imbalances itself. A chakra functioning slow is yin energy while hyper active chakra is active yang energy. For proper functioning of our body parts all chakras have to work at same pace n in coordination to each of them. Complex studies indicate medical treatments to combact the disharmony. A remedial aspect for this is faa maa therapy & colour therapy which i will discuss in  later sessions.

This time through simple knowledge of yin-yang i will help u understand how to use some remedies in your home & office to strike a balance between the two.

Yin- yang in practical use :-
According to feng - shui , the centre of the house has maximum yang energies. To balance this :
---- decluttering the centre of the house ( brahmsthala ) aswell as other places of the house is a must.
---- PYRAMIDICAL FIRE RITUAL in the centre of the house daily at sunrise & sunset or atleast once a week is must.

There are some places and corners of the house , inside and outside the home that always remain shaded or dark, thus lowering the flow of positive chi ( energy ).
---- in such cases a small bulb should be switched on all the time.
---- in cases where there is too much light at a place , dark glass panes & films should be put to lessen the chi.

In places where there is very less activity or is a passive work area.
---- placing wind chimes or any other moving objects like incense does wonders.
Too much yin ?
Houses, offices, buildings near hospitals, churches,police stations have a lot of yin energies.

Changes can be made by trying on some simple remedies like :-
1. Orientation of main door away from yin structure or buildings.
2. Paint main door red to signify strong yang energy.
3.Porch light should be always kept on.
4. Bright sunlight is yang energy. Shaddy trees should be cut down.
5. Plant colourful flowers.
6. Introducing yang elements like pebbles, stones etc.
7. Placing Red Lanterns in the hall or a Crystal Chandelier inside the main door promotes auspicious flow of yang energy.

Is your house, office, room affected by high tention wavelenghts. Or it is constantly exposed to bright light, heat or is too windy. In such cases it exposed to excess of yang energy.
Too much yang energy ?
How to create yang energy ?
How to create yin energy ?
How to harmonize yin - yang ?

To get simple remedies and measures to make life more peaceful and prosperous, get that perfect blend of yin - yang energies. For more details and personalised sessions do feel free to


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