Wednesday 4 January 2012


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 The tarot is one of the most wonderful human inventions.In this pack of pictures , in which destiny is reflected, exercises an irresistable attraction on imaginative minds. One of the most important and commonly used tools of fortune- telling, divination and self- development it easily connects with alchemy, psychology, astrology, numerology, kaballah, Christisn mysticism, Eastern philosophy and many more esoteric traditions. Tarot is called as the MIRROR OF HUMAN SOUL.
The tarot deck is a DECK OF MYSTICAL 78  CARDS. There are 22 MAJOR ARCANA cards and the rest 56 MINOR  ARCANA. The 56 cards are divided into four suits  ( Swords, Wands, Pentacles and Cups ) of  14 cards each begining from the basic 1-10 cards along with King , Queen , Knight and Page in each set .
    The Major Arcana cards are numbered from 0 (counted as the fool) to 21.

When Major Arcana card appears in a reading , it has a special significance above and beyond the cards of the Minor Arcana. It tells us the current circumstances and opportunities of current individual journeys along with all major aspects of life including career and relationships.
When the Major Arcana comes out in a signifies the current position is determining a the larger play of life. It indicates that a major change of scenes and characters in the play is taking place. There are at times , in fact , when profusion of Major Arcana cards is so overwhelming that you just want to keep one of them- the one that strikes you with the clearest of message- as the centerpeice of a new begining.

Whenever it seems you've had a string of bad luck and thing's aren't going your way, wheather it's your love life that's suffering , work is difficult, or you keep on stubbing your toe.
- Ask the tarot what three things you can do to increase your luck.
- Shuffle your deck and keep all minor arcanas at bay. Use only Major Arcana fot this. Now pick three cards. Use these to perform the three charms.

CARD1: Examine your three cards. If you get upright cards, it means 'do this' . Reversed or blockage cards mean " stop doing this."

CARD2: Notice the symbols and colours present in the three cards. Consider what they mean to you.Several cards in the Mjor Arcana might want you to reach out to someone of high authority , power and control . It may be a motherly or fatherly figure to help you clear out the blokage. a preponderance of one particular colour could mean as a hint to light a candleof the particular colour and wear that colour clothes .

CARD3: Wrap three cards in a cloth or bag and carry them with you to ward off bad luck throughout the day.Keep a gaze at them to reach out for the higher messages.

When the Minor Arcana appears in the spread it means that the concerned area holds an importance only for a shorter while and is a direct reflection of whwt you are sometimes unable or unwilling to recognize at this time. These cards depict a very transient phase of life and depict the sollutions and remedies in a much simple settled and obvious manner.

Draw all the 4 court cards of the 4 suits. Pick up any question for the day. Draw 4 cards of the 16 ones.
- The predominance of King indicates wisdom and accomplishments coming your way.
- Queen will depict an emotional and warm loving day ahead.
- Knight will indicate an active and steady one
- While the Page can show carelessness and immaturity.

This segment was specially written to give a small light to the greater insight of the facinating and powerful world of TAROT. When I started years ago,I , couldn't really  discriminate how the Major and
Minor Arcanas differed in their respective prospects.
 I hope a few words would help you determine it.
For any other queries and detailed learnings aswell as personal readings..feel free to write to me at

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