Saturday 7 January 2012


We ALL need to release physical, emotional, mental and spiritual attachments.

Write down all feelings of frustration, anger, hurt, fear etc and burn the paper, flush it away or bury it.
Clean and if necessary redecorate your home inside and outside as appropriate etc.
I am sharing one processes  below in detail. I urge you to please certainly do this process and meditation definitely for your maximum benefit.
When we detach from the need for possessions, people, beliefs and understandings on a regular basis, it keeps us free. Material goods are
known as trappings because they trap our energy as we try to hold on to them. It is fine to have lovely things, but when we need them for our sense of worth they have power over us.

Setting yourself Free - Visualization
Find a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed.

Light a candle and dedicate it to your freedom, for the highest good. You do this for your highest good in case you have a contract with someone or something to give them your energy for a period of time.

Close your eyes and breathe yourself into a relaxed and comfortable state
Let a person, situation or object to which you are attached appear in front of you.
Tell this person, or even the situation or material possession, that you now wish to release it.
Imagine a cord that links you to him, her or it. The cord may be of steel. It may be strangling one of you. It may be thick, thin, colored or like a shifting cloud. It may reach out and entangle other people too. Let yourself feel it.

In whatever way seems appropriate to you, cut the cords and then make sure all their roots have been pulled out fro both the sides. You may want to ask Archangel Michael to help you with this.
Throw these roots onto a fire and watch them burn. If you wish to, you can burn the clothes you are wearing in your inner scene too. You may want to cleanse yourself in a stream or waterfall. Envision yourself doing whatever is needed to purify yourself and give a strong message to your unconscious mind that you are serious about the release.

Thank the person, object or situation for serving your growth.
Open your eyes and blow out the candle, thanking it for using its light to help to release you.
 If you are ready to forgive yourself and them, please do so.
 Forgiveness is a gift to you. It is a doorway to Love.
 Miracles start happening after forgiveness.
 This happens because once you forgive, you are empowered to even release a Karmic Pattern. So in other words, this is a Karmic release for you because you are setting yourself free.
The past has made you the person you are today. Every person & situation has contributed to your learning and growth.
Release them fully with gratitude, celebrating that which was!

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