Saturday 7 January 2012


We ALL need to release physical, emotional, mental and spiritual attachments.

Write down all feelings of frustration, anger, hurt, fear etc and burn the paper, flush it away or bury it.
Clean and if necessary redecorate your home inside and outside as appropriate etc.
I am sharing one processes  below in detail. I urge you to please certainly do this process and meditation definitely for your maximum benefit.
When we detach from the need for possessions, people, beliefs and understandings on a regular basis, it keeps us free. Material goods are
known as trappings because they trap our energy as we try to hold on to them. It is fine to have lovely things, but when we need them for our sense of worth they have power over us.

Setting yourself Free - Visualization
Find a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed.

Light a candle and dedicate it to your freedom, for the highest good. You do this for your highest good in case you have a contract with someone or something to give them your energy for a period of time.

Close your eyes and breathe yourself into a relaxed and comfortable state
Let a person, situation or object to which you are attached appear in front of you.
Tell this person, or even the situation or material possession, that you now wish to release it.
Imagine a cord that links you to him, her or it. The cord may be of steel. It may be strangling one of you. It may be thick, thin, colored or like a shifting cloud. It may reach out and entangle other people too. Let yourself feel it.

In whatever way seems appropriate to you, cut the cords and then make sure all their roots have been pulled out fro both the sides. You may want to ask Archangel Michael to help you with this.
Throw these roots onto a fire and watch them burn. If you wish to, you can burn the clothes you are wearing in your inner scene too. You may want to cleanse yourself in a stream or waterfall. Envision yourself doing whatever is needed to purify yourself and give a strong message to your unconscious mind that you are serious about the release.

Thank the person, object or situation for serving your growth.
Open your eyes and blow out the candle, thanking it for using its light to help to release you.
 If you are ready to forgive yourself and them, please do so.
 Forgiveness is a gift to you. It is a doorway to Love.
 Miracles start happening after forgiveness.
 This happens because once you forgive, you are empowered to even release a Karmic Pattern. So in other words, this is a Karmic release for you because you are setting yourself free.
The past has made you the person you are today. Every person & situation has contributed to your learning and growth.
Release them fully with gratitude, celebrating that which was!

Wednesday 4 January 2012


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 The tarot is one of the most wonderful human inventions.In this pack of pictures , in which destiny is reflected, exercises an irresistable attraction on imaginative minds. One of the most important and commonly used tools of fortune- telling, divination and self- development it easily connects with alchemy, psychology, astrology, numerology, kaballah, Christisn mysticism, Eastern philosophy and many more esoteric traditions. Tarot is called as the MIRROR OF HUMAN SOUL.
The tarot deck is a DECK OF MYSTICAL 78  CARDS. There are 22 MAJOR ARCANA cards and the rest 56 MINOR  ARCANA. The 56 cards are divided into four suits  ( Swords, Wands, Pentacles and Cups ) of  14 cards each begining from the basic 1-10 cards along with King , Queen , Knight and Page in each set .
    The Major Arcana cards are numbered from 0 (counted as the fool) to 21.

When Major Arcana card appears in a reading , it has a special significance above and beyond the cards of the Minor Arcana. It tells us the current circumstances and opportunities of current individual journeys along with all major aspects of life including career and relationships.
When the Major Arcana comes out in a signifies the current position is determining a the larger play of life. It indicates that a major change of scenes and characters in the play is taking place. There are at times , in fact , when profusion of Major Arcana cards is so overwhelming that you just want to keep one of them- the one that strikes you with the clearest of message- as the centerpeice of a new begining.

Whenever it seems you've had a string of bad luck and thing's aren't going your way, wheather it's your love life that's suffering , work is difficult, or you keep on stubbing your toe.
- Ask the tarot what three things you can do to increase your luck.
- Shuffle your deck and keep all minor arcanas at bay. Use only Major Arcana fot this. Now pick three cards. Use these to perform the three charms.

CARD1: Examine your three cards. If you get upright cards, it means 'do this' . Reversed or blockage cards mean " stop doing this."

CARD2: Notice the symbols and colours present in the three cards. Consider what they mean to you.Several cards in the Mjor Arcana might want you to reach out to someone of high authority , power and control . It may be a motherly or fatherly figure to help you clear out the blokage. a preponderance of one particular colour could mean as a hint to light a candleof the particular colour and wear that colour clothes .

CARD3: Wrap three cards in a cloth or bag and carry them with you to ward off bad luck throughout the day.Keep a gaze at them to reach out for the higher messages.

When the Minor Arcana appears in the spread it means that the concerned area holds an importance only for a shorter while and is a direct reflection of whwt you are sometimes unable or unwilling to recognize at this time. These cards depict a very transient phase of life and depict the sollutions and remedies in a much simple settled and obvious manner.

Draw all the 4 court cards of the 4 suits. Pick up any question for the day. Draw 4 cards of the 16 ones.
- The predominance of King indicates wisdom and accomplishments coming your way.
- Queen will depict an emotional and warm loving day ahead.
- Knight will indicate an active and steady one
- While the Page can show carelessness and immaturity.

This segment was specially written to give a small light to the greater insight of the facinating and powerful world of TAROT. When I started years ago,I , couldn't really  discriminate how the Major and
Minor Arcanas differed in their respective prospects.
 I hope a few words would help you determine it.
For any other queries and detailed learnings aswell as personal readings..feel free to write to me at

Tuesday 3 January 2012

NUMBER'S 7,8 & 9


- Born on 7th, 16th & 25th of any month.
- Governed by Ketu
- Honest and truthful
- Non-influencial
- Original view point's and idea"s
- Outspoken
- Independent
- Strongly marked individuality
- Restless
- Intutive
- Dreamy in nature
- Can read mind's easily
- Love to travel
- Women of no. 7 generally marry well
- Love for water prevails all throughout the life.
- Do well in imports / exports business
- Gifted divine powers to attract and impress people before them.
- Unstable and unbalanced in nature.
- Get detached v easily be it at physical level or mental ones.
- Egoistic
- Spiritual
FAVOURABLE COLOURS include : White , Cream and all pale colours

Red, Rounded, Square With Number 8 Clip Art
- Born on 8th, 17th and 26th of any month
- Governed by Saturn - the planet of justice and fate
- Older, Slower and colder planet so it has a similar outcome in the native's life.
- Hurdles come and go and can be solved only with patience and diligence.
- Lethargy and hopelessness causes troubles.
- Rise in fate after 35 years
- Ambitious and hardworking
- Sacrifice, struggle and hardwork rules their lives.
- Sense of dejection and helplessness
- Devoid all ups and down
- Practical
- Can be instruments of fate for others.
- They represent endless cycle of no.8 - the world's - Material and Spiritual.
- One side is Upheals and Revolutions
- The other is occult sciences , religious , devotion and concentration.
- These people are respected as " SYMBOL OF HUMAN JUSTICE " for being fair and just in every feild.
FAVOURABLE COLOURS - Black , Blue , Grey and Brown

Red, Rounded, Square With Number 9 Clip Art
- People born on 9th, 18th and 27th of any month.
- Governed by planet Mars.
- Fighters in all attempts of life
- Successful in later life by grit , determination and strong will.
- Courageous
- Excellent leaders
- Resourceful
- Disciplined and except same from others
- Good temperament and dedication
- Steady to do anything for love and affection
- Physical powers are very strong
- Stand in context to materialism
- Energy
- Leadership
- Domination
- Can be wild at times and cause destruction.
- Bossy
- Bragging nature
- Short tempered
- Aggressive
- Irritative
- Egoistic
- Cant take resentments
FAVOURABLE COLOURS : red, orange and majenta

Sunday 1 January 2012

Basic Feng - Shui : yin & yang

                   The universe is in a constant flow of energy. Yin & Yang are d basic energies of the universe. They have to be always complementary of each other.

YIN represents :    MAA, Earth, moon, Winters, Night, Female, Soft, Silentll, Passive, Decaying
Yin colours :            green,blue, pastel colours
Yin emotions :         kindeness, sensitiveness, insecurity
Yin mind :                 imaginative, intutive , creative
Yin numbers :           all odd numbers

Yang represents : FAA, Heaven, Sun, Day & Male, Hard, Active, Flourishing
Yang colours  :       red, yellow, orange, bright colours
Yang emotions :     ambitious, confident, courageous
Yang mind :             logical, ordered, quick to think
Yang numbers :       all even numbers

Basically, yin-yang balance determines a powerful mind, body, soul, home & office. It is a scientific Chinese thinking process. The imbalances & fluctuations of the two are considered to be disease causing & making us prone to several sickness. Any of the body chakras malfunctioning is related to the imbalances itself. A chakra functioning slow is yin energy while hyper active chakra is active yang energy. For proper functioning of our body parts all chakras have to work at same pace n in coordination to each of them. Complex studies indicate medical treatments to combact the disharmony. A remedial aspect for this is faa maa therapy & colour therapy which i will discuss in  later sessions.

This time through simple knowledge of yin-yang i will help u understand how to use some remedies in your home & office to strike a balance between the two.

Yin- yang in practical use :-
According to feng - shui , the centre of the house has maximum yang energies. To balance this :
---- decluttering the centre of the house ( brahmsthala ) aswell as other places of the house is a must.
---- PYRAMIDICAL FIRE RITUAL in the centre of the house daily at sunrise & sunset or atleast once a week is must.

There are some places and corners of the house , inside and outside the home that always remain shaded or dark, thus lowering the flow of positive chi ( energy ).
---- in such cases a small bulb should be switched on all the time.
---- in cases where there is too much light at a place , dark glass panes & films should be put to lessen the chi.

In places where there is very less activity or is a passive work area.
---- placing wind chimes or any other moving objects like incense does wonders.
Too much yin ?
Houses, offices, buildings near hospitals, churches,police stations have a lot of yin energies.

Changes can be made by trying on some simple remedies like :-
1. Orientation of main door away from yin structure or buildings.
2. Paint main door red to signify strong yang energy.
3.Porch light should be always kept on.
4. Bright sunlight is yang energy. Shaddy trees should be cut down.
5. Plant colourful flowers.
6. Introducing yang elements like pebbles, stones etc.
7. Placing Red Lanterns in the hall or a Crystal Chandelier inside the main door promotes auspicious flow of yang energy.

Is your house, office, room affected by high tention wavelenghts. Or it is constantly exposed to bright light, heat or is too windy. In such cases it exposed to excess of yang energy.
Too much yang energy ?
How to create yang energy ?
How to create yin energy ?
How to harmonize yin - yang ?

To get simple remedies and measures to make life more peaceful and prosperous, get that perfect blend of yin - yang energies. For more details and personalised sessions do feel free to


NUMBER 1, 2 & 3

Red, Rounded, Square With Number 1 Clip Art
- Born on 1st. 10th, 19th & 29th of any month .                 
- Come under the influence of SUN.
- Lucky & Fortunate people.
- Successful in every feild.
- Good code of conduct.
- Outshine others easily.
- Firm & steady in nature.
- Love relations are sweet.
- Enemity can continue for long.
- Determined
- Confident
- Inventive
- Individualistic
- Self respecting
- Independent
- change is a special quqlity in them.
- Dislike restrain & accomplish jobs successfully.

Favorable colours : Yellow, Golden, Red , Brown

Red, Rounded, Square With Number 2 Clip Art- Born on 2nd, 11th, or 20th of any month.
- Goverened by MOON.
- Emotional
- Sentimental
- Imaginative
- Creative
- Loving & bound by love.
- Romantic
- Soft
- Gentle
- Simple yet elegent people.
- Dont have firm characters.
- As compared to no 1, they are not mentally strong and lack confidence and are unsteady.
-Love to enjoy wordly pleasures and luxuries of life.
- Face a lot of ups and downs.
- Like the weaning and waxing of moon , their life corresponds to a 15 days cycle.

Favorable colours: Cream, white , light sea green

Red, Rounded, Square With Number 3 Clip Art
- Born on 3,12,21 and 30th of any month.
- GURU is the lord of this no.                            
- It provides native overall education, wellness, prosperity and long life.
- Governs the basic necessities of life i.e. housing, clothing and shelter.
- Egoistic
- Highly disciplined
- Organised
- Hard hostile coordinators
- Mentally balanced and developed
- Never misguide others.
- Give genuine and fair advices.
- Have an influencial status in the society.
- Altruists
- High on religious thoughts.

Favourable colours : Mauve, Violet, Pale / Lilac shades of purple.

BASIC NUMBERS 4, 5 and 6


Red Rounded Square With Number 4 Clip Art 
- People born on 4th,13th, 22nd or 31st ofany month come under this category .
- Governed by planer Rahu
- These people are highly unpredictable.
- Prone to unexpected changes in life.
- Potential tothink ahead and different from others.
- Not quarrelsome but tend to make enemies due to conflict between viewpoints as compared with others.
- Few but real friends.
- Modernists
- Capable to thimk ahead of time.
- Prone to struggle n hardwork.
- Earn name and fame by becoming tolerant only.
- Extremely sensitive.
- Unconvential viewpoints and stands.
- Highly sympathetic and empathetic.
- Stand by their decisions if taken a firm one.
   FAVOURABLE COLOURS include - ink blue , electric blue and grey


Red, Rounded, Square With Number 5 Clip Art
- Born on 5th , 14th and 23rd of any month.
- Come under the blessings of mercury.
- Excel in the art of writing and communication.
- Versatile
- Highly impulsive
- Inclined to risk taking factors i.e. business and commerce mainly.
- Strong intellectual aspects.
- Mentally active.
- Love to do brain exploiting works.
- Quick ways to make money lure them.
- Sense of inventions and innovations is very high.
- Elasticity of characters.
- Forgive easily
_ Don't repent easily
- Calm and cool generally.
_ If bad , no preachings can change them.
- Non - influencial
- Highly social people.
- Tactful
- Fine sense ofreasoning
- Unsteady and mild by nature
FAVOURABLE COLOURS  include : green and white


Red, Rounded, Square With Number 6 Clip Art- Born on 6th , 15th and 24th of any month.
- Come under the blessings of Venus.
- Extremists - don't leave anything easily.
- Sociable people with facination of decent people.
- Extremely magnetic to attract others.
- Flair for beautiful apparels and homes.
- V high determination.
- Can be unyeilding at times.
- Romantic
- Leaned towards matters of affection.
- Facination towards artistic royal tastes.
- Generous
- Love to make everyone happy.
- If angry follow no set of rules.
- Power of making most number of friends.
- Warm , Caring , Loving and obsessed with family.
- Can be obstinate.
- May get dictatorial at times.
- Can't stand jealousy and discord.
FAVOURABLE COLOURS : baby pink , turquoise, silver, white and all jittery , shinny and shimmery colours.

Sunday 25 September 2011


Why  is Date Of Birth most important

To begin with let us understand some basic rules :     
  suppose , Mr X is born on 3-7-1983
 his basic no. = 3                                                                 
 his destiny no= 3+7+1+9+8+3= 31=3+1=  4

Basic no is also called  Radical no
                                   Root no
                                   Psyche no

Destiny no is also called Luck no & is considered to be a more fortunate no.

It is the basic no that rules the most in the initial years of any person and with age the destiny no does. To understand the basic natures of any person it is the basic no which is looked upon while a lot of factors like destiny no, age, profession, running year, pinnacle year, name no , ruling no, sun signs in positive and negative aspect hold a lot of importance too.

When people fail to be successful in whatever streams of life no matter how hard they work simple remedies based on basic no & destiny no can do wonders to transform their lives. This can be done by altering name no , enhancing the use of certain nos , avoiding the enemy set of nos, wearing favourable colours for personal and professional purposes and so onn..

It is even more easy to get them done by me by mailing me at

So lets get set and start with the world of numbers